Jeanette is a graduate of the School of Fine and Performing Arts at Montclair State University where she received her BA and MA in Music. She has done post- graduate work at Seton Hall University and Westminster Choir College.
In 1998, Jeanette was selected as a Melodious Accord Fellow and studied with the renowned choral arranger and composer Alice Parker. That same year, she was one of the professional singers chosen to perform with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s at Carnegie Hall under the direction of the late Robert Shaw.
An educator for over forty years, she served thirty years as Director of Choral Activities and Vocal Studies at Seton Hall University. As Director her choirs performed for Pope John Paul, Archbishop Bishop Desmond Tutu, Ambassador to the Vatican, Thomas Malady, to name a few. Some of the venues her ensembles have performed at were: St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal, Trinity Cathedral, St. Anne du Beaupre and Basilique de Note Dame in Quebec Canada, St. Mathews Cathedral and The Immaculate Conception Shrine in Washington DC, Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome and St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. In addition, for five years her choirs performed with the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra at Symphony Hall and the New Jersey Performing Arts Center. She prepared the Seton Hall University choir and orchestra for with the distinguished English composer, John Rutter, in a performance at Carnegie Hall.
She has conducted such honor groups such as; the Massachusetts All State Chorus, The New Jersey All State Chorus, The All - North Jersey Region Chorus, (twice) The All- North Jersey Region Orchestra, the South Jersey Region Chorus, the All Cape & Islands Festival Chorus (twice) and the Sussex County High School Chorus (three times).
She has also guest conducted the NJ Oratorio Society, Morris County Choral Society and adjunct professor at Montclair State University.
A devoted music educator since 1971, in 1999 Jeanette was recognized by the Senate of the State of New Jersey for her dedication and excellence in teaching. In 2004 she received the President’s Award for dedication in teaching at Seton Hall University.
In December, 2011 Jeanette retired from a successful career as a Choral and Music Educator and holds the title of Professor Emerita from Seton Hall University.
Upon her retirement from Seton Hall, she received a personal letter from acclaimed choral conductor/composer Alice Parker honoring Jeanette for her “devotion, musicality, enthusiasm and professionalism in the field of music.” Ms. Parker urged Jeanette to, “keep teaching, and getting the world to sing. And count me with your greatest admirers.”